Storybook Styleguide
Citing its documentation, “Storybook is a UI development environment for your UI components. With it, you can visualize different states of your UI components and develop them interactively.”
More details here:
Do we use it?
Yes! We use Storybook for the getsentry/sentry project. Storybook’s configuration can be found in
To run Storybook locally, run npm run storybook
in the root of your
getsentry/sentry repository.
Is it deployed somewhere?
Sentry’s Storybook is built as a Travis job and deployed to a private Google Cloud Storage bucket. If your git branch has been tested by Travis, is also has had its Storybook uploaded.
You can find all uploaded branches here:
For convenience, you will be redirected to the master branch when visiting
One thing to keep in mind: branch names are preprocessed before assets uploading
in order to get rid of slashes and other special characters. For example,
branch feature/hello#,123
will be deployed